Tuesday, December 03, 2002

December 2002 Newsletter

FHN Complementary Medicine Monthly Newsletter December 2002

" Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the right time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up"

Galatians 6:9

That saying from Galatians certainly could apply to all in the health field. We at times are called to give of ourselves past the point of exhaustion. It seems that there is always a patient who is in need.

As we approach this holiday season we all will be called on again to do good, as it seems that this is an extremely difficult time for many people.

We at complementary medicine would like to thank all of you for your part. During the course of the busy year we don't always take time to offer our thanks as often as we should.

So from all of us at Complementary Medicine thank you to all of you for all that you do.

Happy holidays

Dr. Glenn, Dr. Julie, Julie and Dana

Sunday, November 03, 2002

November 2002 Newsletter

Complementary Medicine Newsletter

November 2002


We know this may sound premature, but they are predicting snow this week! We all know the fundamentals of proper back care while doing physical labor, but a quick review never hurts!

Not only is snow shoveling dangerous to your spine, it is also hazardous to your heart health. A shovel of snow weighs on the average 5-10pounds. Your walk or driveway can hold hundreds of pounds of snow. Snow shoveling can present a challenge in that the cold air invigorates yet numbs fatigue and pain potentially masking the severity of sprain and strain. The result: too much exertion and too much work without rest.


1. Dress warmly, but not bulky so as to limit natural movement.

2. Use a light-weight push type shovel. Spray with pam to prevent snow from sticking.

3. Keep one hand close to the base of the shovel to balance weight and lessen strain.

4. Try not to lift the snow or pitch it. Merely push it or walk it to a pile.

5. Avoid sudden twists of the torso. Move your entire body.

6. Keep your back straight if you lift and bed your knees and use your legs as leverage.

7. Work slowly. Shovel 5 minutes, rest two minutes

8. If you feel tired or short of breath, stop and take a rest. Stand up straight and breathe deeply.

9. If you feel a twinge of back pain, stop immediately and go inside.

Sit down and rest and if pain persists call us! If there is any indication of a heart problem, call 911!


Dr. Glenn and Julie Smith

Thursday, October 03, 2002

October 2002 Newsletter

FHN Complementary Medicine Monthly Newsletter October 2002

Cholesterol lowering drugs

While there are many natural ways of managing cholesterol (diet, exercise, inositol hexaniacinate, guggal, acidophilus, etc.) in this newsletter we are going to focus on cholesterol lowering drugs. We will look at the three most popular categories of those drugs and talk about counteracting some of the side effects.

The three types we will talk about are:

Statin Drugs which lower cholesterol by inhibiting the enzyme HMG CoA reductase.

Gemfibrozol which acts by activating lipoprotein lipase

Bile Acid Sequestrants that work by binding bile acids, salts and cholesterol constituents

The statin drug complications are well known for the muscle pain and possible liver problems. Its method of action (inhibition of HMG CoA reductase) also inhibits the synthesis of coenzyme Q10. Co Q10 is one of the electron carriers in the mitochondria that creates energy in the cell. If you are taking statin drugs you need to supplement coQ10 100-200 mg/day. This should be done at least 2 hours away from taking the statin drug. Additionally we have found in clinical practice that magnesium supplementation 500-1000 mg/day helps with many of the muscle aches and pains.

Gemfibrozol method of action is hydrolysis of triglycerides which in turn creates free radicals. It has been shown that both CoQ 10 and vit E are seriously depleted. If you are on this drug we recommend you supplement both vit E and CoQ 10. Talk to your physician to make sure this won't inter fere with other drugs you are taking.

Bile Sequestrants inhibit the absorption of many nutrients, carotenes, calcium, folate, iron, magnesium, phosphorus, Vit A , B12, D, E, K, and zinc. Obviously a good multivitamin and mineral supplement is necessary here.

We hope this is useful for all of you on these drugs.


Drs Glenn and Julie Smith

Complementary Medicine

Wednesday, July 03, 2002

July 2002 Newsletter

FHN Complementary Medicine Monthly Newsletter July 2002

It's summer and we all love to spend time outdoors in the warm weather. Keep in mind that it is relatively easy to get dehydrated. Sometimes we don't even know it until we are well into the process of heat exhaustion.

Dehydration is loss of water and important blood salts like potassium (K+) and sodium (Na+). Vital organs like the kidneys, brain, and heart can’t function without a certain minimum of water and salt.

Below are some warning signs for dehydration.

Signs of Dehydration



Dry lips

Slightly dry mouth membranes


Stomach ache


Very dry mouth membranes

Sunken eyes

Sunken fontanelle (soft spot) on infant’s head.

Skin doesn’t bounce back quickly when lightly pinched and released.


All signs of moderate dehydration

Rapid, weak pulse (more than 100 at rest).

Cold hands and feet

Rapid breathing

Blue lips

Confusion, lethargy, difficult to arouse

In severe cases, it takes anywhere from 48 to 72 hours to completely replenish water to normal levels.

Another source of dyhydration on our vacation is flying. The in-flight air is drier than any of the world's deserts. Relative humidity is 20-25% in the Sahara or Arabian deserts, while optimum comfort is around 50% humidity in the air. Basically, there's no way to avoid the fact that your body will become dehydrated to some degree as a result of flying long distances in near-zero humidity in commercial jet cabins. We need to be mindful of our water intake en route, and also remember to drink plenty of pure water for several days after landing.

So drink plenty of water and replace the electrolytes (sodium and potassium). Research has also found that magnesium is sweated out during these times. We must replace this mineral or we can get muscle cramps which can persist well after the body rehydrates the tissues.

So water ,water ,water and electrolytes and magnesium.


Drs. Glenn and Julie Smith

Monday, June 03, 2002

June 2002 Newsletter

FHN Complementary Medicine Monthly Newsletter June 2002

Arthritis (Osteo), Degenerative Arthritis, Degenerative Joint Disease

Osteoarthritis is a common disease that develops when linings of joints fail to maintain normal structure, leading to pain and decreased mobility. It is associated with aging and injury (it used to be called “wear-and-tear” arthritis), and can occur secondary to many other conditions. For those of you suffering from the pain it can be an endless cycle of pain and pain killers

So let's look at some natural conservative options for the management of the problem.

Obesity is a risk factor for osteoarthritis of weight-bearing joints. Weight loss has benefit, at least in reducing pain levels.

Glucosamine sulfate (GS) contains a building block needed for the repair of joint cartilage. GS has significantly reduced symptoms of osteoarthritis in many double-blind studies. All published clinical investigations on the effects of GS in people with osteoarthritis report statistically significant improvement. Most research trials use 500 mg GS taken three times per day. Benefits from GS generally become evident after three to eight weeks of treatment. Continued supplementation is needed in order to maintain benefits.

Please note that the studies have been done on glucosamine sulfate not glucosamine HCL, which is cheaper to produce.

Vitamin E has reduced symptoms of osteoarthritis in both single- and double-blind research. In these trials, 400–600 IU of vitamin E per day has been used. Results have been reported to occur within several weeks.

We recommend you get mixed tocopherols.

EPA fish oils in a 24-week controlled trial studying people with osteoarthritis led to “strikingly lower” pain scores than observed in the placebo group.

Two recent trials comparing herbal remedies with placebo found that participants who consumed these herbs experienced significant improvement compared to those in the placebo group. The following herbs significantly reduced pain and disability in people with OA:

· Winter cherry (Withania somnifera)

· Boswellia (Boswellia serrata)

· Turmeric (Curcuma longa)

· Ginger (Zinger Officinale)


Several controlled trials suggest that the ancient Chinese practice of acupuncture is an effective treatment for pain associated with OA, as well as for other aspects of the condition, including diminished joint function and reduced walking ability. In fact, a few studies have shown that people with OA experience better pain relief and improvement in function from acupuncture than from NSAIDs such as piroxicam. For example, a group of 29 people awaiting surgery for OA of the knee demonstrated significant improvement in their ability to climb stairs and in their walking pace after receiving acupuncture compared to those who were not treated with acupuncture.

We hope that you find these helpful in your search for pain relief and healing.


Dr. Glenn and Julie Smith

Friday, May 03, 2002

May 2002 Newsletter

FHN Complementary Medicine Monthly Newsletter May 2002

Soft Tissue Work the Connecting Link in Healing.

As Naprapaths and Chiropractors we deal with a lot of structural problems. One of the things that we have found is that soft tissues (muscles, fascia, connective tissue) have a profound effect on the healing outcomes. This is true even if the soft tissue was not the original injury. We feel that it is so important that we now have a certified massage therapist on staff. Julie Marcure is available to do soft tissue work in our office. This can be done both in conjunction with or separately from manipulations of the spine.

Lets look at some of the value that soft tissue work can provide. Tissue changes can come about from stressors, like trauma, toxins, pathology, mechanical and emotional stress which causes a change of state in fascia (nodules, contractions) and muscle spasms and shortening. This ensues through nerve sensory (afferent) impulses from organs and tissues to the spinal cord and motor (efferent) impulses to the autonomic nervous system, skeletal and involuntary muscles. Blood supply is therefore impaired to organ tissue and fascia. This makes it impossible for pathological changes to take place in any one structure without causing adaptive changes in other structures (like fascia). Research has shown that the reverse can also happen, i.e when the soft tissues are normalized there is a positive reflex effect on the malfunctioning organs

We are happy to have Julie Marcure on staff doing this important work for us. Many insurance carriers will cover therapeutic massage if prescribed by us or your primary care provider.


Dr. Glenn Smith

Dr. Julie Smith

Wednesday, April 03, 2002

April 2002 Newsletter

FHN Complementary Medicine Monthly Newsletter April 2002


For all of you that have suffered through morning sickness during your pregnancy you know how debilitating the problem can be. There have been several new studies that have shown what we have been saying for years…Acupuncture is an effective treatment for some of the symptoms of morning sickness!

Reuters Health published the following study.

By Charnicia E. Huggins

NEW YORK, Feb 27 (Reuters Health) - Acupuncture may be an effective treatment for some symptoms of morning sickness during early pregnancy, new study results suggest.

"The use of acupuncture in early pregnancy will reduce or resolve symptoms of nausea and dry retching earlier than simply waiting for them to improve with time," lead study author Dr. Caroline Smith of Adelaide University in Australia told Reuters Health.

Smith and her colleagues studied 593 women who were all less than 14 weeks pregnant and suffered from frequent nausea and vomiting……….. Acupuncture was given five times during the 4-week study period--twice during the first week, and once per week during subsequent weeks.

At the end of the first week, women who received traditional acupuncture reportedly experienced less frequent nausea and shorter periods of nausea than did their peers in the control group, the investigators report in the March issue of the journal Birth. Their improved nausea symptoms persisted throughout each weekly follow-up…… no adverse effects were noted in follow-ups conducted after the women gave birth, "we consider acupuncture to be a safe and effective treatment option for women," the researcher added.

A resent study in Sweden showed that acupuncture also worked well in nausea and vomiting from postoperative and chemotherapy causes.

It has been our experience that in many cases acupuncture can help not only the nausea but help with the feeling of overall well being and energy levels.

If you are having morning sickness, try it!!!


Dr. Glenn and Dr. Julie Smith

Complementary Medicine

Sunday, March 03, 2002

March 2002 Newsletter

FHN Complementary Medicine Monthly Newsletter March 2002


This month we are going to talk about CHRONIC sinusitis. Health care experts estimate that 37 million Americans are affected by sinusitis every year and report 33 million cases of chronic sinusitis to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention annually. This represents 10.9 million doctor visits per year and 1.3 million hospital visits per year. We in northwestern Illinois seem to have our fair share.

Sinusitis simply means your sinuses are infected or inflamed, but this gives little indication of the misery and pain this condition can cause. Sinusitis is usually divided into 3 categories.

· Acute, which lasts for 3 weeks or less

· Chronic, which usually lasts for 3 to 8 weeks but can continue for months or even years

· Recurrent, which is several acute attacks within a year

Most cases of acute sinusitis start with a common cold, which is caused by a virus. These viral colds do not cause symptoms of sinusitis, but they do inflame the sinuses. If the immune system is sufficiently compromised or the mucous membranes do not have the proper flora (remember the newsletter on probiotics?) the inflammation can continue or even allow a secondary bacterial infection to occur. Most healthy people harbor bacteria, such as Streptococcus pneumoniae and Haemophilus influenzae, in their upper respiratory tracts with no problems until the body's defenses are weakened or drainage from the sinuses is blocked by a cold or other viral infection. At this point antibiotic therapy may be appropriate. If we replenish the good bacteria after this, we may stop the cycle right there! If not we might progress to a more chronic inflammation. If we do not have the proper flora an opportunistic organism will grow.

Mayo Clinic researchers say they have found the cause of most chronic sinus infections -- an immune system response to fungus. "Fungus allergy was thought to be involved in less than ten percent of cases," says Dr. Sherris. "Our studies indicate that, in fact, fungus is likely the cause of nearly all of these problems. And it is not an allergic reaction, but an immune reaction."

At this point antibiotics and even antifungals are not real effective.

So let's look at some alternative therapies to break the chronic inflammation and deregulate the hyperimmune response.

The first and most obvious is PROBI0TICS BEFORE , DURING, AND AFTER any antibiotic therapy!

Acupuncture has been used for centuries for sinus and asthma treatment. Acupuncture can modulate the immune response (CD4's, CD8's, IL2 , etc.) , decrease pain, and reduce mucous secretion.

The bioflavonoid (another newsletter) Quercetin in 1000mg doses acts to slow histamine production at the mast cell. This helps to reduce inflammation and allergic response.

Proteolytic enzymes, papain (from papaya) and bromelain (from pineapple) act as a natural anti-inflammatory.

Herbal medicine offers multiple remedies to boost the immune system, reduce sinus congestion and provide symptomatic relief. For example, echinacea and berberine (active ingredient in goldenseal)are widely used to support the immune system. Use skullcap to combat excessive mucous. Ephedra is a very effective decongestant (in proper dosages) that is found in many herbal preparations. (Ephedra can elevate heart rate and blood pressure.) Stinging nettle may be helpful for sinusitis caused by allergies.

Increasing lymphatic drainage from the area is imperative. Manual lymph drainage can be effective as well as high frequency nanocurrent lymphatic stimulation.

Sunday, February 03, 2002

February 2002 Newsletter

FHN Complementary Medicine Monthly Newsletter February 2002


There seems to be a prevalence of this type of cancer in our area. New research indicates that we may be able to reduce the risk of these cancers by measuring the ratio of the "good" to "bad" estrogen. Estrone (E1), one of the forms of estrogen is conjugated into 16 alpha-hydroxyestrone and 2-hydroxyestrone. If too much estrone is converted to 16 alpha-hydroxyestrone (bad), cells seem to reproduce faster, which may lead to the growth and spread of tumors. Conversely, if more 2-hydroxyestrone is produced less 16 alpha can which may have a protective effect against cancer!

Case-control studies have documented that low levels of 2-hydroxy metabolites are associated with breast cancer in women, breast cancer in MEN, uterine cancer, cervical cancer and systemic lupus erythematosis.

Also, studies show that estradiol, the active form of estrogen, provokes increases in prostate specific antigen (PSA) production in human prostate tissue. Increased PSA production was inhibited by 2-hydroxy, the beneficial estrogen metabolite.

Diindolylmethane (DIM), a phytonutrient found in cruciferous vegetables such as broccoli, cabbage or cauliflower improve the metabolism of estrogen to the "good" 2-hydroxy which act as antioxidants and have the power to eliminate damaged or cancerous cells throughout the body. Without these phytochemicals in the diet, there is increased production of "bad" estrogen which act negatively to allow oxidation, damage DNA and promote cancer.

DIM is formed from its precursor indole-3-carbinol (I3C), after enzymatic release of I3C from parent glucosinolates found in cruciferous vegetables. I3C is highly unstable, chemically reactive and unpredictable, and needs to be converted in the presence of stomach acid into the active form DIM. DIM can be taken safely in supplemental form. Unlike soy isoflavones, DIM is not an estrogen mimic or phytoestrogen and has no estrogenic activity.

The ratio of 2-hydroxyestrone to 16-alpha-hydroxyestrone should be greater than 2/1. The doctors at Complementary Medicine feel strongly that everyone should be screened for this ratio. Women of menstruation age as well as those not menstruation (surgically or naturally) can be tested. Please remember that men also have estrogen and should be tested.

During the month of February, we are offering a prompt-pay discount for this test. Normally this test is $160.00 but if the test is picked up at our office and paid for at that time we can offer it for $139.00.


Test: Estrones 2/16/OH estrogen ratio

This is a first morning urine test.


If you are menstruating it is preferred you collect on days 18-25 after the start of your menstrual cycle

No specific time requirements for non-menstruating women or for men.

Instructions for mailing the specimen are found in the test kit.

Thursday, January 03, 2002

January 2002 Newsletter

FHN Complementary Medicine Monthly Newsletter January 2002


Last November we had a wonderful CME by UW on the flavonoids in red wine and the effects on cardiovascular health. We thought we would expand on that topic as there are more biologically active flavonoids in foods. As a matter of fact flavonoids may account for the difference in studies using "natural"( those derived from foods and processed intact) vitamins and their synthetic counter parts. We have all seen the studies that seem to counteract one another.

So lets discuss bioflavonoids!

Bioflavonoids are sometimes considered vitamins because they possess the properties of a vitamin and were referred to as the vitamin P. They cannot be produced by the body and have to be taken as supplements or found in food in diet. Bioflavonoids are natural compounds and are often pigments and occur in high concentrations in all fruits(especially found in peel of citrus fruits), peppers, buckwheat and black currants. Other sources include apricots, cherries, grape fruit, grapes, grape seed, lemons, oranges, prunes, rose hips. Herbs that contain bioflavonoids include chervil, elderberries, hawthorn, berry, horsetail, rose hips and sheperd’s purse, as well as in vegetables( including onions),and tea. Different bioflavinoids have different properties and activities. Let's look at some of the more common:

Quercetin is found in red wine, grapefruit, onions, apples, black tea and, in lesser amounts, in leafy green vegetables and beans. However, to get a therapeutic dosage, a supplement is needed. Quercetin supplements are available in pill and tablet form. Quercetin acts on the mast and basil cell to reduce the histamine production at the source. As such it does not have the side effects of histamine blocking type agents.

Proanthocyanidins can be found in many plants, most notably pine bark, grape seed, and grape skin. However, bilberry, cranberry, black currant, green tea, black tea, and other plants also contain these flavonoids. Nutritional supplements containing extracts of proanthocyanidins from various plant sources are available, alone or in combination with other nutrients, in herbal extracts, capsules, and tablets. These are very powerful antioxidant substances.

Lycopene is an open-chain unsaturated carotenoid that imparts red color to tomatoes and several other fruits, but unlike the other carotenoids, lycopene does not convert into vitamin A. It is also one of the most abundant carotenoids in human blood serum and is the most abundant carotene in prostate tissue. It helps bolster the body's defense mechanisms, resulting in greater protection of the body's enzymes, DNA and cellular lipids.
Lycopene is a powerful antioxidant that has shown remarkable fighting power against degenerative diseases. It eliminates a particularly destructive form of oxidation called free radicals and is more than twice as powerful as beta-carotene at quenching free radicals. Lycopene is found in many red foods, like tomatoes and tomato products like tomato sauce, tomato paste and ketchup. It is also found in pink grapefruit, watermelon, guava, palm oil, and to a lesser extent in lobster and crab.

Daidzein is one of the primary isoflavones of soy, a staple food in many Asian countries. The term "soy" is used to refer to many products derived from the soybean. The isoflavones are dietary supplements derived from soybeans as isolated/concentrated soy proteins and soy extracts. Daidzein are believed to have hormonal balancing activity. Please note that the more processed the soy the less daidzein. Rendering most commercial soy products very poor in this area.

Silymarin /Milk thistle is commonly found growing wild in a variety of settings, including roadsides. The seeds of the dried flower are used. Milk thistle extract may protect the cells of the liver by blocking the entrance of harmful toxins and helping remove these toxins from the liver cells. As with other bioflavonoids, silymarin is a powerful antioxidant. Milk thistle also regenerates injured liver cells. Milk thistle extract is most commonly recommended to counteract the harmful actions of alcohol on the liver.

Long-term placebo-controlled, double blind studies have shown milk thistle extracts to be effective in patients with liver cirrhosis, chronic hepatitis, and even diabetes due to cirrhosis. However, there have also been studies that have shown no effect in cirrhosis patients. Milk thistle alters bile makeup, thereby potentially reducing risk of gallstones. Combination of milk thistle with potentially liver-damaging drugs has been shown to protect the liver.

There are many more bioflavonoids some of the more common include:

Anthcyanin – found in black berries, blueberries, raspberries

Ellagic Acid – found in strawberries, grapes, apples, cranberries

Catechin – found in green tea, black tea

Tannin – found in green tea, black tea

Kaempferol – found in strawberries, leeks, kale, broccoli, radishes

Hesperdin and Rutin- Found in buckwheat and citrus

When combined in a comprehensive therapeutic approach biofavonoids are a powerful tool. They may help mitigate some of the side effects of drug/chemotherapy, helping to make it more effective and less toxic.


Dr. Julie Smith

Dr. Glenn Smith

Complementary Medicine