Thursday, February 03, 2005

Newsletter February 2005 Magnesium and hs C reactive Protein

FHN Complementary Medicine Monthly Newsletter February 2005

Your heart, magnesium , and hsC-Reactive Protein

With February being Heart Healthy Month let’s talk about two subjects. Magnesium and highly sensitive C-reactive Protein (hsCRP).

Highly sensitive C-reactive Protein (hsCRP) is a protein that increases during systemic inflammation. Most studies show that the higher the hs-CRP levels, the higher the risk of developing heart attack. In fact, scientific studies have found that the risk for heart attack in people in the upper third of hs-CRP levels is twice that of those whose hs-CRP is in the lower third. These prospective studies include men, women and the elderly. Recent studies also found an association between sudden cardiac death, peripheral arterial disease and hs-CRP. We at Complementary Medicine feel this relatively inexpensive test should be included with most of the cardiac risk screenings. (ie cholesterol )

There is another study that we need to look at regarding magnesium. Analysis showed that adults who ingested less than the RDA (400mg/day) of magnesium were 55% more likely to have elevated C-reactive protein levels compared with those who met the RDA for magnesium. After controlling for other variables, low magnesium intake was still significantly predictive of elevated C-reactive protein levels. Subgroups at highest risk for elevated C-reactive protein linked to low magnesium included those adults over 40, those with a body mass index over 25 kg/m2, and those who consumed <50%>

Added together these two things are relatively easy to do and may have profound effects on your health!

In health,

Drs. Glenn and Julie Smith

Complementary Medicine